Mathew 5:8
God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
About Us

As lector you will be giving the word of the lord to his children. You read the Sacred Scriptures with passion and pride. You may be incharge of reading or singing the Psalms in between the readings. 


Proper Lecturing Training 

Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among the people
 - Psalms 96:3

Como lector estarás dando la palabra del señor a sus hijos. Lees la Sagrada Escritura con pasión y orgullo. Es posible que tenga la responsabilidad de leer o cantar los Salmos entre las lecturas.


Entrenamiento adecuado para conferencias

Declare su gloria entre las naciones, sus maravillas entre la gente
  - Salmos 96: 3